Starting a company in Dubai’s mainland area is a bold step towards business success. What does this mean? Well, mainland companies are officially registered in Dubai’s Department of Economic Development (DED). These businesses get many benefits that make them popular among business people wanting to grow and work in different areas.

With a mainland company, you can do business in all of Dubai, the UAE, and even other GCC countries. Plus, you can grow bigger by adding branches, hiring more people, joining government projects, and more. There are different types of mainland companies, like single-owner businesses, civil companies, and Limited Liability Companies (LLC). Out of these, LLCs are the most chosen type in the UAE.

Registering a business in Dubai's mainland, under the Department of Economic Development (DED), is a strategic choice for entrepreneurs targeting growth in the UAE and GCC countries. Mainland companies in Dubai can operate broadly, expand with more branches, and engage in various projects.


Why Choose Mainland Company Formation in Dubai?

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    Prime Spot

    Dubai sits at a strategic crossword, connecting east and west, north and south, providing a natural bridge between producers, manufacturers, and consumers.

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    Big Market

    Mainland companies can work with the local UAE market, full of customers ready to buy.

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    No Money Issues

    There are no restrictions on changing money or repatriation of dividends

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    Do Any Business

    Mainland companies can do carry out different types of activities.

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    Skilled Workers

    Dubai has many talented workers who speak different languages, perfect for any business.

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    Tax Benefits

    No personal tax, income tax or capital tax.

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    Top Address

    Having a Dubai mainland address makes your business look solid.

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    Local Trading

    Mainland companies can sell directly to the local market without problems

Process for Establishing a Mainland Company in Dubai

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    Nature and Legal Structure Selection

    Define the specific business activity you wish to pursue and identify the ideal legal structure for your organization. Common structures include Sole Proprietorship, Limited Liability Company (LLC), and Civil Company (typically for professional services).

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    Trade Name Approval

    Propose a distinctive trade name for your business, ensuring it gains endorsement from the Department of Economic Development (DED).

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    Preliminary Consent

    Present the required documentation to the DED, or the relevant governing body, to secure an initial affirmation for your enterprise.

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    Memorandum of Association (MOA) Compilation

    Craft a comprehensive MOA, detailing vital components such as shareholder distribution, profit allocation, and other pivotal specifics. This is a critical aspect when forming an LLC.

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    Business Location Selection

    Source a fitting workspace that adheres to the stipulations and regulations laid out by the DED.

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    Tenancy Agreement

    Secure a tenancy agreement for your chosen premise and ensure it is registered with Ejari, the authoritative body overseeing real estate.

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    Acquisition of Supplementary Approvals

    Depending on your chosen business domain, additional consents from pertinent government departments or ministries might be mandatory.

  • process

    Licensing Procedure

    Furnish all requisite documents and proceed to apply for your business permit with the DED or the pertinent license-issuing agency.

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The DED is the government body responsible for regulating and licensing economic activities in the emirate of Dubai.
Mainland Dubai allows for various legal structures, including sole proprietorship, civil company, limited liability company (LLC), and more.
The minimum capital requirement can vary depending on the type of business activity and legal structure. It's essential to check the specific requirements for your business.
No, in most cases, however some activities that require third party governmental approval might require a local sponsor owning 51% of the company.
The process may involve obtaining initial approvals, registering the trade name, drafting the Memorandum of Association (MOA), obtaining office space, and completing other documentation.
Commonly required documents include a passport copy of shareholders, NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the current sponsor (for expatriates), lease agreement for office space, and a completed electronic application form.
Businesses are typically required to renew their trade licenses annually. It's important to adhere to any additional industry-specific regulations and maintain proper financial records.
Yes, foreign companies can establish a branch in mainland Dubai if they are providing a service. Branch of trading companies are not allowed.
Yes, certain industries may have specific requirements or restrictions. It's crucial to check with the relevant authorities or engage a professional consultant to ensure compliance with industry-specific regulations.