KANOONY is a tool to help you quickly and easily create, edit, collaborate, sign, and share corporate and legal contracts, letters, and forms. KANOONY facilitates for you to communicate with our registered professional service providers who can help you with starting your business, registering your intellectual property rights such as logo, trademark etc., obtaining legal translation, registering your will or talking to a legal consultant.

KANOONY can have many meanings depending on the context. It could mean legal, statutory, lawful, legitimate, valid, jurist, jural, fair, licit, or rightful.

KANOONY offers a variety of legal and corporate templates. We cover areas such as Employment & HR, Property, Commercial, Corporate, IT, IP, and Finance. All our templates can be found in our Library. We continuously update our list of existing templates depending on the new legislation. We constantly add more templates to enhance our offerings. If you are looking to create a document that is not currently available, please let us know by dropping us a note on  info@kanoony.com and one of our customer service officers will assist you immediately.

Search for the Contract Template in the Templates. If you are not certain which Contract Template best fits your needs, you can start by filtering by categories: Commercial, Corporate, Construction Real Estate, Employment & HR, Finance, and IT. You can also search for a term, such as “NDA” within the contract Templates, and the relevant Contract Template will appear. Choose the template that answers your needs and press on it. On the template’s page, a “Summary”, “Description”, “Jurisdiction”, “Disclaimer” and “Before Execution” sections are available for your perusal. On the left end of the page, you can see other details including the applicable region, , available languages, document No, version, last update of the template and reviews. After you review the suitability of the template for your business needs, the next step will be for you to download the template. The final step is to fill in the missing information based on the guiding notes included in each template and customize the template based on your requirements.

Once you have downloaded or purchased a document on Kanoony, the document is automatically saved to your “My Documents”. Kanoony offers the option to "Download as MS WORD" and/or "Edit & Sign". If you choose the "Download as MS WORD" option, the document will appear in your device’s downloads section, if you choose the "Edit & Sign" option, you will be able to edit and sign the document online, invite another party to sign it, and save the latest version on “My Documents” tab found under your profile page.

If you find yourself unable to make changes in the document, we recommend trying the following steps:

Hard Refresh your browser:

    1. For Windows:
      • Hold down Ctrl and click the Reload button.
      • Or Hold down Ctrl and press F5.
    2. For Mac:
      • Hold down Shift and click the Reload button.
      • Or Hold down Command, Shift and click the 'R' key.
    3. Clear your browser cache: Refer to the settings or preferences menu in your browser and look for options related to clearing browsing data. Be aware that clearing your cache may remove stored passwords and other browsing history.
    4. Check your internet connection: Try restarting your router.
    5. Try a different browser or device: Alternatively, you can attempt editing the document from a different device, such as a smartphone or tablet, to isolate any device-specific issues. If you have exhausted these options and are still unable to make changes in the document, please reach out to our support team for further assistance.


If you find yourself unable to make changes in the document, we recommend trying the following steps:

Hard Refresh your browser:

    1. For Windows:
      • Hold down Ctrl and click the Reload button.
      • Or Hold down Ctrl and press F5.
    2. For Mac:
      • Hold down Shift and click the Reload button.
      • Or Hold down Command, Shift and click the 'R' key.
    3. Clear your browser cache: Refer to the settings or preferences menu in your browser and look for options related to clearing browsing data. Be aware that clearing your cache may remove stored passwords and other browsing history.
    4. Check your internet connection: Try restarting your router.
    5. Try a different browser or device: Alternatively, you can attempt editing the document from a different device, such as a smartphone or tablet, to isolate any device-specific issues. If you have exhausted these options and are still unable to make changes in the document, please reach out to our support team for further assistance.


If you are using the "Download as MS WORD" option, you will download the document to your computer to print it. To download any document, press the “Download as MS WORD” button next to the document. Your document will be launched, and you will be able to preview and download the document.
