Launched in 2022, Khalifa Industrial Zone (KEZAD) is part of the Economic Cities & Free Zones of AD Ports Group. KEZAD is the largest operator of fully integrated economic zones, business services, staff accommodation and industrial real estate solutions in the UAE. KEZAD offers a wide variety of leasing options such as serviced land plots, pre-built warehouses and offices and workstations. Companies operating in the metal, polymers, food processing, automotive and logistics industries can establish a presence in KEZAD.
Start your business with full foreign ownership without a need for a local shareholder.
Sell goods through distributors and/or local agents or by utilizing a dual license.
Enjoy custom duty exemptions within the free zone.
100% repatriation of capital and profits.
enjoy 0% personal income tax.
Obtain an additional license from DED to carry out economic activities outside the freezone without a need for additional offices or business facilities.
Fast access to key markets through major ports, international airports and highways.
For businesses involved in the import, export, warehousing, storage, and distribution of products. A General Trading License is available for businesses dealing with more than 17 products or over 3 groups.
Allows a wide range of service activities including but not limited to marketing, consulting, travel agencies, catering, restaurants, and management services.
Allows import of raw material, manufacturing, processing, assembling, packaging, and export of intermediate and/or finished products.
A minimum paid-up capital of AED 150,000. Can be established by a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 50 shareholders.
Companies registered outside KEZAD can register a branch in KEZAD. Both UAE-based and foreign companies can establish branches.
Identify the ideal business activity for your company, selecting from trading, industrial, or service licenses.
Decide whether to establish an LLC or a Branch Company.
Select an appropriate company name adhering to specific guidelines.
Receive the business license to start your business.